Earlier this week, STRaR Director and co-founder John McQuillen presented and took part in a panel discussion at the PEARLE –
(Performing Arts Employers Associations League Europe) security conference in Brussels.
His topic was on protecting UK crowded places and Protective Security Improvement Activity.PEARLE is an umbrella organisation of 45 associations,that represent over 4,000 performing arts organisations.The conference was attended by
representatives from across Europe and included Theatre’s, Music venues, Orchestras and Event organisers.
The presentaion and panel discussion were well received, with much good practice being shared. Proportionality of security implementation was a key theme of John’s presentaion, reinforced with the advice that significant security improvements can be achieved if a business or organisation gets its security policies and procedures right in the first instance. These low or no cost
improvements can then allow for better insight on where or if to spend money should physical measures be required. Long term security planning was highlighted,dealing with a range of attack methodologies as opposed to just trying to deal with the current threat.